The Purpose

This shows the 230 X11-web colors, sorted by hue.

These colors cannot be referred to in an HTML or CSS document by name, even though they have names. Browsers do not understand the color names. So I wrote this JavaScript module to translate between the color names and the corresponding RGB hex triplets.

This project is mostly for my own benefit, so I can choose better color schemes.

But it is also an exercise in using JavaScript to change CSS parameters.

Named X11 Color Swatches

(Click a swatch to get more information) ?

This shows the 230 X11-web colors, sorted by hue.

These colors cannot be referred to in an HTML or CSS document by name, even though they have names. Browsers do not understand the color names. So I wrote this JavaScript module to translate between the color names and the corresponding RGB hex triplets.

This project is mostly for my own benefit, so I can choose better color schemes.

But it is also an exercise in using JavaScript to change CSS parameters.

Click anywhere in this box to close it.
