Answer to prayer

Wednesday 3 May 2006, 8:45 pm

The electical for these RV's is still something that makes no sense to me. But hunting around did provide an answer to prayer a few minutes ago ...

an alarm in the trailer started beeping. It sounds like a smoke alarm chirping when the battery needs to be replaced. Based on past experience I knew this meant the batteries were running low ... and this meant the charger had lost AC power. I eventually found that someone had borrowed the charger to fix his car, and he had not replaced it. We replaced it and got rid of that problem. But that led to more questions about our AC power and our air conditioning, which has not worked the whole time we've been here except for a few minutes at the beginnning ... and we could not find the breaker box.

Someone else overheard our conversation and helped us find the breaker box, and the air conditioning breaker was tripped ... now unless other problems come up, we'll have functioning air conditioning for the rest of our stay here. Most immediately, this weill help Mary with her headache.

Thank you, Lord!
