Web Development with PHP and MySQL

CIS 86

Mission College

Fall 2015

Instructor: Mark Brautigam


  • Appendix A = HTML Review
  • Appendix B = Setting up a personal web server
  • W3Schools HTML Tutorial
  • W3C HTML Validator
  • mamptest.html = A sample file that has styles, PHP code, and Javascript code. (On Angel, Week 1)
  • html5template.html = A minimal HTML5 file without any styles, PHP code, or Javascript. Use this file as a starting point for your own projects. (On Angel)
  • kitchensink.html = A large HTML file that has examples of all the HTML tags in the "HTML Review" PowerPoint, plus some styles, but no PHP or Javascript. Use this file to see how to make tables, lists, images, and links. (On Angel)

Personal web site checklist

  • Examples: php.missioncollege.edu/~hsun/
  • Must have a banner. The banner does not need to be graphical and it does not need to use Photoshop.
  • Must have your name.
  • Must have your account number. (Not assigned yet)
  • Must have your team name. (Not assigned yet)
  • Must have a link to another web page. This does not have to be a web page you created. It can be a link to another file you created in the same directory as your main personal page. It could also be a link to your favorite web site or a site you use often (Mission College, Angel, Amazon, this CIS 86 web page).
  • It would be nice if the page has a picture of you. But this is not required.
  • When you are finished, upload your web page(s) to php.missioncollege.edu.