PHP Source Code: images.php
// The Web Language Project
// Mark Brautigam
// May-June 2015
include "common.php";
echo sidebar("php", "images", "php");
<div id="content">
<h2>PHP: Directory Read</h2>
<p>Read the contents of a directory of images. Exclude the non-image directory entries.
Create a caption by deleting the file extension and capitalizing the file name.</p>
<p class='choose'>Choose a directory:
<a href='images.php?dir=comics'>Comics</a> •
<a href='images.php?dir=embroidery'>Embroidery</a> •
<a href='images.php?dir=stone'>Carving</a> •
<a href='images.php?dir=tech'>Tech</a>
// The main PHP code is here.
$dir = "../images/stone";
if (isset ($_GET['dir']) && $_GET['dir'] != "")
$dir = "../images/" . $_GET['dir'];
$images = scandir ($dir);
$nimages = count ($images);
for ($i=0; $i<$nimages; $i++) {
if ($images[$i][0] != '.' && $images[$i][0] != '_') {
$caption = ucfirst (substr ($images[$i], 0, -4));
if (strchr ($caption, "_") !== false) {
$captions = explode ("_", $caption);
foreach ($captions as $k => $v)
$captions[$k] = ucfirst ($captions[$k]);
$caption = join ("<br />", array_slice ($captions, 1));
echo "<figure>\n";
echo " <img src='$dir/{$images[$i]}' />\n";
echo " <figcaption>$caption</figcaption>\n";
echo "</figure>\n";
<p>We can change the order of the files (for example, birth order instead of alphabetical
order) by prepending each file name with a number and removing the number from the
caption string.</p>
<p>Images courtesy of:<br />
<a target='_blank'
Stone Paperweight at World of Judaica</a><br />
<a target='_blank'
Embroidery Designs at</a><br />
<a target='_blank' href=''>Dumbing of Age</a><br />
<a target='_blank' href=''>Scary Go Round</a><br />
<a target='_blank' href=''>Questionable Content</a>
<p><a href='source.php?f=5'>Show PHP source code »</a>