Track your progress as you read your Bible and check off the chapters one by one.
iOS app in the Apple App Store. Released Nov. 2021
A tutorial and quiz about Ireland counties and cities. Find counties by name or location. Test your knowledge by choosing the location on the map when given the county name. Choose the county name when given a location on the map. Test your knowledge of cities in the same ways.
iOS app in the Apple App Store. Released August 2021
Android app that shows definitions for all square dance calls levels C1–C4. Shows beginning and ending formations with color diagrams. Shows authorship information. Has links to square dance web sites.
This project done using Java and Eclipse before Android Studio became available.
CS 063 • Android Programming • Spring 2014
iPad app that shows the cover artwork from my collection of Chevron and Shell road maps. Allows you to indicate whether the cover scenes are locations you have visited or would like to visit.
This project done using Objective-C before Swift became available.
CIS 37.6 • iPhone and Mac Programming • Spring 2014
iPhone and iPad app that lists all the square dance clubs in California and Nevada. You can search by level and dance night. You can also search by location using a map.
This project done using Objective-C before Swift became available.
CIS 37.6 • iPhone and Mac Programming • Spring 2014